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12. 7. 2024
Our pilot Ondra took this stunning photo of our Phenom before take-off at Athens Airport in the early morning. Greece reports beautiful weather! Fly w...
4. 7. 2024
We are pleased to share with you the view from the offices of our headquarter. So you see, not only our pilots have stunning views from the cockpits o...
14. 6. 2024
Yesterday we had our traditional summer terrace get-together at our headquarter in Viktoria Center in the city center of Prague.
5. 6. 2024
Take a look at our Phenom 300E in Belgian Kortrijk-Wevelgem made by our captain Marek. And by the way… See how prompt and accurate we are with pr...
30. 5. 2024
A team of colleagues of Atmospherica Aviation participate again in this year’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva. T...
24. 5. 2024
Our whole management team participated in a three-day Aviation Legislation Training held by Mrs. Anna Polánecká from @Avcontra. The training was ...
17. 5. 2024
Yesterday, our colleagues were fighting for 3 full hours in the arena. No worries, it was a laser game!
7. 5. 2024
Last week our Operations team held their yearly Recurrent Training ahead of the summer season. All topics were thoroughly discussed to ensure smooth a...
30. 4. 2024
We recently branded our aircraft with our logo and slogan – have a look and make the sky your home on board of our aircraft!
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Member of CTR group

Ein gastronomisches Erlebnis an Bord unserer Flugzeuge

Während des Fluges servieren wir Ihnen ein exzellentes Catering, inklusive einer Auswahl an ausgewählten Weinen und Champagner.

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Sollten Sie Fragen haben oder einen Flug anfragen wollen nutzen Sie das Buchungsformular oben oder auch das Anfrageformular siehe unten. Wir werden in Windeseile antworten.